In 2014, the SNLC contracted a position to write a framework that would define the parameters for adult language learning in the programs the SNLC supports. Based on a community program at Six Nations that had achieved success in the past, the framework helps defines what an adult program should include in terms of content, assessment, achievement, and some logistics, in order to be considered for funding from the SNLC. This framework has formed the basis of the SNLC’s thinking around adult programming since 2014. Essentially, it requires that every 1000 hours of learning correspond to one major level of proficiency according to the rating scale of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). 

Observations of programming since the adoption of the framework for the 2016-2017 learning year showed success across the criteria the SNLC chose to adopt, and again in the 2017-2018 learning year! We’re hopeful for continued success in the years to come.