On August 22, 2019, Six Nations Polytechnic, the Six Nations Language Commission and the Lifelong Learning Task Force convened a gathering of the language programs at Six Nations of the Grand River. The purpose of this gathering was to share information about one another’s existing and future activities, as well as initiate discussion around the recommendations from recent studies and reports concerning language revitalization at Six Nations of the Grand River.
Attendees included representatives from:
· Gawęnawihseˀ Onǫdaˀgegaˀ
· Dwadewayę:staˀ Gayogo̲ho:nǫˀ
· Onkwawén:na Kentyóhkwa
· I.L. Thomas Odadrihonyanita Elementary School
· Deyohahá:ge: Indigenous Knowledge Centre
· Six Nations Polytechnic, Six Nations Language Commission
· Six Nations Daycares
· Life Long Learning Task Force
· Woodlands Cultural Centre
· Sweetgrass Language Council
· Godihta
The agenda consisted of a series of short presentations from the groups in attendance, followed by discussion. The discussion questions are outlined below and highlights from the discussion are captured in the following pages:
Discussion Questions:
Towards a Community Language Plan: Clarifying Vision, Goals and Next Steps
What should the goals for Onkwehonwe’neha (Rotinoshonni languages) at Six Nations of the Grand River be?
What does Onkwehonwe’neha at Six Nations look like in 5, 10, and 20 years?
What activities need to occur for these goals to be realized?
What are some tangible steps that can be taken towards these goals over the next year? Over the next 3? The next 5?
What supports are needed?
Please find attached the notes from the meeting here.
Next Steps:
Overall, the gathering was an opportunity to connect with existing language programs and initiate focussed discussion on the goals and vision for language revitalization at Six Nation of the Grand River. The discussions signalled the importance of confirming a community strategy to guide and evaluate efforts to intervene in language loss and promote language growth.
Additional work on a community language strategy is forthcoming and will necessitate a broader engagement of the Six Nations Community, including among others: language speakers, learners, teachers, elders, youth, and community members.
The Six Nations Language Commission will take a lead role with the support of other organizations in the community, towards the development of the community language strategy and will allocate and apply for any resources that will help the plan come together with input and feedback from the community.
Potential Next Steps:
At present, next steps include:
Summarize and circulate the day’s discussions
Circulate and share additional resources (research articles, etc.)
Thematic analysis/organization of feedback from discussion sessions
Additional research on community language plans
Determine areas for further research
Planning efforts, via the Six Nations Language Commission towards the establishment of a community language strategy